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The Bitter Bitter Chocolate Remains A Healthier Option

With dark chocolate, you can safely save yourself from the guilty conscience when snacking. It is healthy, strengthens the heart and brain and promotes blood circulation. This is no wonder why many roofing companies and other top corporations prefer to give away dark chocolates as presents to their employees.

Is dark chocolate actually healthier than whole milk chocolate?

Compared to the dark temptation, classic whole milk chocolate has so far had a rather bad reputation because it is far less healthy than bitter chocolate. In fact, this calculation does not work out completely: Dark chocolate contains less sugar than creamier milk chocolate – due to the high proportion of fat-containing cocoa mass (from around 70 percent), the energy value for dark chocolate can be even higher, like nutrition expert Birthe Wulf told Edeka.

While milk chocolate has an average of around 535 calories per 100 grams, the same amount of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% can even be around 580 calories. 100 grams of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 85% or more has around 600 kilocalories and with 100% cocoa content it can be over 630 kilocalories per 100 grams of dark chocolate.

Read about the three benefits you can get from dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate lasts longer

However, not only the calories in dark chocolate are crucial when it comes to deciding which variant of the candy is healthier. The remaining nutritional values ​​in the chocolate should also be taken into account. For example, 100 grams of milk chocolate contains an average of 5 grams of protein and an impressive 60 grams of sugar. The same amount of dark chocolate with 100% cocoa has only 0.6 grams of sugar and 12 grams of protein.

Therefore, the bitter bitter chocolate remains the healthier option, since it appeases the appetite for sweets or fats faster. Creamy bars only provide energy for a short time and do not satiate you for so long because they quickly lower the blood sugar level and send a new hunger signal to the brain.

“When eating white or milk chocolate that contains sugar, the blood sugar level rises very quickly. This inhibits fat loss and can trigger food cravings,” says Birthe Wulf.

In the case of dark chocolate, on the other hand, the desire for calorie-containing foods only arises later. It increases and decreases the blood sugar level only slowly, which significantly reduces the risk of consuming unnecessary calories.

In particular, the plant substances contained in bitter chocolate, such as flavonoids, which are present in significantly higher quantities than milk chocolate, also have a positive effect on your organism. The following applies: the higher the cocoa content, the greater the effect – provided the chocolate is enjoyed in moderation (about 20 grams per day).
