When specifically offering chocolates as main products of your confectionery business, your website design should immediately give that particular impression. If your web design do not display descriptive design elements in prominent areas to make it easy for visitors to continue with additional actions, their visit would likely end at the home page or what ever internal page they landed on.
What are Descriptive Web Design Elements?
Descriptive design elements include logo, social media icons, navigation labels, dropdown menu, shopping cart or buy box widget, search tool, value proposition text and call to action.
Moreover it’s important to integrate in your web design SEO strategies that will get your website indexed at the top of Google’s listings for online chocolate confectionery stores. Achieving that goal will make your store immediately visible to consumers looking to buy chocolate treats online.
Best Practices Observed by High-Performing Websites in Displaying Important Descriptive Elements
Web design experts recommend the following best practices when incorporating descriptive elements in web pages, as they have been proven effective by high-performing websites:
Logo Placement – A 2016 Nielsen report revealed that 93% of Fortune 500 companies have websites that display their logo in the top left corner of web pages as it allows better brand recall.
Social Media Icons are common in websites of business-to-customer (B2C) companies and niche publishers, Most icons are prominently displayed in the header but digital marketing experts recommend placing them in areas where they do not interfere with the reading activity of the visitors. Social media sharing could easily distract visitors from further exploring other pages.
Search Tool – Although about 53% of all websites have a search tool in the header, researches show they are helpful only to websites that have multiple pages or to those actively engaged in a content marketing program. Websites with few pages can simply use descriptive navigation labels as a better alternative to a search tool.
Navigation Labels appearing in a horizontal navigation bar on the right side at the top of a page is common to all websites. Around 90% of websites use a horizontal navigation bar as this saves pixel width for content; as opposed to placing them on the left side or on the header, which can reduce available space in which to publish content.
Drop Down Menu – About 58% of all websites include a dropdown menu, as a quick guide for visitors when needing to wade through multiple sections and series of pages. This descriptive element is regarded as generally helpful because having a clear short cut as alternative to navigation labels and search tool can help enhance (UX) or user experience
Contact Us Link More than half of all websites place a Contact Link at the right most side of the header. Providing readily available contact information gives an indication of legitimacy to a website as far as potential customers are concerned. This is of particular importance for online stores as most consumers need assurance that they can get in touch with the online seller to raise concerns or put forward suggestions or propositions.
Call to Action – In addition to the Contact Us Link, most B2C websites include a Call to Action link in their homepage to directly assist readers in taking specific action deemed as the next step to take to obtain a solution or benefit.
Value Proposition Text– This represent quick information on what your business offers, whilst appearing with other header information in the homepage. Best practices include pushing your business by-line in addition to your brand name as doing so allows for better recall of your product or service. Moreover, digital marketing experts consider adding this web design element a good SEO practice.